Write Theatre

This event is part of: 

There is no other course that offers the combination of expert tuition, practical advice and the opportunity to work with established playwrights and experienced actors. The first weekend is spent learning about the craft of writing for theatre. On the second weekend, you are joined by three professional actors, who work with the course directors to explore in depth every participant’s scene. We accept a maximum of 8 writers.

Who could benefit from this course?

Anyone with a genuine interest in writing for theatre. The small numbers accepted for the course ensures that everyone can participate actively, and receive personal advice and feedback.

How does it work?

First weekend: writer-participants work as a group, individually and in pairs, undertaking active writing exercises exploring elements such as dialogue, characterisation and plotting.

Two week gap in which each participant writes a short scene.

Second weekend: course directors and experienced professional actors explore these scenes, encouraging and enabling further development. Course ends with short script-in-hand presentations of the re-worked scripts.


What do you gain?

Confidence in your own ability as a writer. Ways of generating ideas. Skills for writing dialogue and developing plot and character. The invaluable experience of having scenes workshopped by professional theatre practitioners.

Dates, Times & Cost

Saturday, 12 October 10am to 6pm
Sunday, 13 October 10am to 5pm
Saturday, 26 October 10am to 6pm
Sunday, 27 October 10am to 5pm

£500 per writer-participant
enrol by email: theatrewritingatgmail.com


Teacher/Creator Biog

Rib Davis has had over 60 scripts performed on stage, radio and television. His stage play No Further Cause for Concern (later adapted for television) won an Edinburgh Fringe First award. He has written many large-scale documentary dramas which take oral history testimonies as their starting point. His best-selling book Writing Dialogue for Scripts is now in its 4th edition, and he has also written Creating Compelling Characters for Film, TV, Theatre and Radio. At present he is working on a new stage play based on experiences of austerity, to be performed in Manchester, Barcelona and Sardinia.
Brian Woolland is an experienced playwright and theatre director. He has had ten plays produced by professional companies, four of them published in book form. He has led theatre workshops in the UK, Ireland, Greece, Hungary, Australia, Palestine, and Jordan. He was a Senior Lecturer in Theatre at the University of Reading before resigning to develop his career as a playwright and theatre director. His recent plays, When Nobody Returns and This Flesh is Mine were co-produced by London-based Border Crossings and Ashtar Theatre of Ramallah. The playtext of This Flesh is Mine is published by Oberon Books.


“One of the richest, most generous learning experiences I’ve ever had. I cannot recommend this course enough.” Rebecca Lee.
“Whether you’re an experienced writer or complete beginner, this is a course that inspires and galvanises at every level… An extraordinarily creative course, a joy to be on – thank you.” Ruth Padel.
“By far the best writing course I have ever done. Rib and Brian inspire and enable. The second weekend was very exciting as our scripts were brought to life by professional actors. The course was hugely empowering.” Justin Joseph